This includes improvements to the 2D, 3D, and Multiaxis suite of toolpaths. Enter 12 for the radius.
What’s New in Mastercam – PDF Drive
This slowdown can be avoided by changing Visibility from shaded to wireframe prior to merging. Because the origin of the file typically corresponds to the origin used on the machine, it is important that your geometry be located relative to the origin such that it is appropriately located on the machine. Working far from the World Top Plane Origin in Rhino or similar applications will often cause the geometry to be located far from the origin in MasterCAM, so it’s best to catch this issue early, before getting too far along in MasterCAM.
Your geometry should be located within the positive X, Y, and Z quadrants, with the stock modeled such that it has a corner located at 0,0,0. The gnomon and axes visible on the screen should help to verify whether the geometry needs to move in order to satisfy this condition.
Machine dimensions vary, as do the lengths of their respective axes of travel. Make sure your geometry fits within the dimensions of the machine you intend to use.
MasterCAM will use the input stock size when simulating, so it is vital to ensure that dimensions are true to the physical material that will be placed on the milling table. In the toolpath manager pane, expand the properties subgroup. Choose stock setup , and the machine group properties window opens. The stock box is represented by a dashed red rectangular prism. Enter the as-measured dimensions of your stock into the X, Y, Z fields.
Default units are inches. Tick the display checkbox to show stock box in MasterCAM model space. After defining stock dimensions, u sers MUST manually update machining heights to reflect the stock thickness for each operation individually. MasterCAM will not auto-update these values.
Inaccurate values cause collisions during verification. A roughing operation is used to remove large amounts of material rapidly and to produce a part geometry close to the desired shape. A roughing operation uses large diameter tools and coarse settings, and should not cut all the way down to the drive surface s , instead leaving a small offset for the finishing operations to clean up afterwards.
When stock thickness exceeds the shoulder length of the tools, the surrounding uncut stock may interfere with toolpaths drawn on the perimeter of the part, causing collisions. In this circumstance, it is necessary to partially clear away the stock outside the part perimeter before proceeding to the finishing operations. The Contour 2D operation may be used for roughing as follows:. Note that the Contour 2D operation is not context-aware.
Nearby parts may be gouged if there are multiple parts being machined from a single stock. The Surface Rough Parallel operation moves the tool in equally spaced parallel passes in the XY plane across the surface, cutting down incrementally in multiple steps.
The toolpath can be drawn as One Way best for anisotropic materials with grain direction, slower or Zigzag best for isotropic materials, faster. Note that all surfaces except stock extents are assigned as Drive surfaces in a typical MasterCAM file.
A finishing operation follows roughing and is used to achieve the final geometry and surface finish. Most MasterCAM files need at least one and frequently several separate finishing operations to produce an acceptable part.
Finishing operations clean up the extra material purposefully left behind by the roughing operation. Finishing operations must be employed on a case-by-case basis, as the utility of each operation type varies from one file and geometry to the next. See reference pages linked above for a detailed explanation of concepts and usage that are common across all operation types.
Commonly used finishing operations are listed below. Users must review them and determine which operations are appropriate for their geometry.
The Surface Finish Parallel operation moves the tool in equally spaced parallel passes in the XY plane across the surface. The toolpath can be drawn in any angle relative to the XY origin. This operation is often used with varying stepovers and machining angles to create surface patterns on site models.
Used primarily to clear material from vertical or steep features. The Surface Finish Contour operation cuts geometry by offsetting toolpaths away from the drive surface at incremental heights. As sloped geometry becomes steeper, the toolpaths get closer together; as that geometry becomes more shallow, the toolpaths are spaced farther apart. This operation is often paired with a flat endmill for use on vertical building faces. Note that the horizontal surface building top is the Drive surface.
Used primarily to clear flat areas, such as stepped terrain or building tops. The Surface Finish Shallow operation cuts geometry whose slope angle does not exceed a threshold users can set maximum.
This operation is often paired with a flat endmill for use on stepped topography and building tops. Users can dramatically reduce machining time by strategically using larger diameter tools to cut open areas, while targeting small diameter tools to narrower channels. Used primarily to clear sloped areas, such as rolling topography. The Surface Finish Constant Scallop operation cuts geometry by dynamically adjusting stepover users can set maximum as a function of the slope angle for any given point along the drive surface.
This method maintains a uniform scallop height across variable relief, and thus uniform smoothness. This operation is often paired with a ball endmill for use on rolling topography and gentle slopes. Used to cut flat-bottomed holes, such as building footprints.
The Pocket operation removes material from within a closed chain, creating recesses with flat bottoms. Note that t he Pocket operation includes its own internal Roughing and Finishing stages within the parameters.
This operation is often paired with a flat endmill to cut building footprints. Pockets are preferred over Surface Finish Shallow for cutting deep, flat-bottomed recesses due to their incorporation of incremental depth cuts.
Used to trace linear features, such as final perimeter cut-out. The Contour operation cuts along a chain or series of chains. The cut may be compensated to the left or right of the chain s , or on center if compensation is turned off. The chain may be 2D planar or 3D.
The depth of cut can be absolute 2D only , or incremental 2D and 3D. Used to create precisely located holes. The Drill operation creates holes using points as input geometry. Although it is possible to use endmills in a drilling operation, it is preferable to use drill bits. Selecting a Stepover. In most cases, select TOP as work coordinate system, tool plane, and construction plane.
Value should not exceed 30 degrees, and must be appropriate for stock material. Harder materials require smaller plunge angle. Enable “Machine Passes only at Final Depth” if pocket depth relative to adjacent geometry is equal to or less than the tool flute length.
Toggle between Left and Right depending on whether the tool should offset outside or inside the assigned chains. Turn off compensation if the assigned chains are intended as cut centerlines. Enable if operation is intended for roughing, disable otherwise. Enable for small parts when vacuum hold down is used.
Enable for all parts when mechanical hold down is used. User may select Automatic or Manual tab placement. Automatic works well for most situations, with minimum 4 tabs recommended. Once operations have been chosen, geometry has been assigned, and parameters have been adjusted, the next step is to generate toolpaths. Toolpaths are visualized in the modeling space as Blue and Yellow lines that are drawn across the input geometry.
Select the operation s that is are being used, then g enerate the selected operation by clicking , or regenerate all dirty operations by clicking.
Complex or corrupted geometry may cause toolpath generation to fail. In this situation, the problem geometry should be deleted from MasterCAM a prompt will warn the user that any operations that reference the problem geometry will be affected. The geometry can then be edited or recreated in Rhino, exported as a new. Excessive toolpath generation times can sometimes be reduced by changing Visibility from Shaded to Wireframe.
Trimmed surfaces with far-flung control points cause trouble when merged into MasterCAM. Sometimes these problems can be averted by running a few Rhino commands on the problem surface s prior to merging:.
Large, complex meshes and surfaces occasionally cause problems in MasterCAM as well, depending on how they were generated. This issue is usually solved by recreating the mesh or surface in Rhino or Grasshopper. The FabLab provides a sample Grasshopper script that should produce usable geometry from the original problem geometry. Grasshopper Script for Recreating Geometry. In most cases, MasterCAM will not automatically generate the toolpath for a selected operation after its parameters and geometry have been assigned.
If the operation lacks assigned geometry, or has had any changes made to the geometry assignment, parameters, or tool definitions, then the operation is considered “dirty” and the toolpath icon will instead display. The toolpaths for a dirty operation will disappear from the modeling space until regenerated. If an attempt to verify dirty operations is made, MasterCAM will prompt the user to regenerate with a pop-up dialogue.
Verification using dirty operations is inaccurate and should be avoided. Verification aka Simulation is the process of playing out the generated toolpaths in a virtual environment in order to check for errors and omissions. Successful verification accurate stock and tool definitions, no collisions found is a necessary pre-requisite to performing any real CNC machining at the GSD.
Student submitted jobs will not be approved or scheduled until successful verification is demonstrated. Select all operations that have been configured and will be used. Operations will be verified in chronological order according to their order in the Toolpath Manager. Click verify selected operations in the Toolpath Manager to open the Mastercam Simulator window.
Users can scrub backward and forward along the timeline by clicking and dragging the red slider, or incrementally by pressing B backward and S forward. Users may skip to the previous or next operation by pressing P previous and N next. Ensure that collision checking is activated before starting the simulation:.
During simulation playback, areas of the stock involved in a collision will be colored dark red. The type of collision can be identified in the Collision Report. An immediate collision upon simulating an operation Flute Length – In Progress Stock is typically the result of incorrectly defined Machining Heights within that operation. MasterCAM Simulator provides an estimate of total run time for selected operations based on specified feed rates, stepover, stepdown, etc.
This estimate is displayed in the Move List panel on the right. After playing through the simulation, check “Elapsed Time” for the time estimate. Often this estimate is too low by a factor of 2, so as a rule of thumb, double the MasterCAM Simulator time estimate when making a CNC appointment reservation.
Fab Lab Store. During the Milling Appointment. Be sure to let us know about any pertinent information related to the job such as material type, your deadline, stock size, or any questions or problems that you’ve had in making the MasterCAM file. Once submitted, pay attention to messages in your Microsoft Team as your file is being reviewed. A TA may ask you to meet with them during office hour s to discuss what you want to make; they might also ask you to make changes to your file. The status of your submitted file can be viewed through the online queue , along with those of others, but you should also receive notifications as the job status changes.
After the file is approved, you will be asked to schedule a milling appointment. Visit your job in the queue and choose the “Schedule Job” button to be brought to the scheduler. Choose a block of time that corresponds to the estimated run time for your job, as indicated by the TA in the thread posted to your Microsoft Team. Make sure you purchase and prepare your material prior to your milling appointment allow 24 hours for most adhesives to fully cure or dry.
You must be present in L33 while the machine creates your part. Pages Blog. Space shortcuts How-to articles. Child pages. CNC Tutorial. Browse pages. A t tachments 26 Page History. View Demonstration of Geometry Merge. View Demonstration of Stock Dimensions. Update Machining Heights After defining stock dimensions, u sers MUST manually update machining heights to reflect the stock thickness for each operation individually.
Check for Gouging Note that the Contour 2D operation is not context-aware. You will learn the following skills: Creating a new file Creating points, lines, arcs, and fillets Mirroring and rotating lines Trimming lines and arcs The following blueprint shows the part you will create. Choose Main Menu, File, New. Choose Yes when prompted to create a new drawing. If the current file has had any changes made to it since the last time it was saved, you will be asked whether or not you wish to save it.
Choose Yes again if you wish to save it. Creating construction guides The first step is to create some construction guides to properly locate and orient the drawing. Create the center point of the elbow.
Enter the coordinates 75, As soon as you start typing, the numbers will appear in the prompt area. Tip: Press [Enter] after entering the number s in the prompt area. Choose the Screen—Fit button on the toolbar to center the point in the graphics window. Next, draw the center lines for the two arms. Click on the point to select it as an endpoint. Tip: Pass the cursor over the point.
When a square displays, click the mouse button. In the prompt area, enter an angle of 0. Enter a line length of The guide for the horizontal arm appears. Mastercam automatically prompts you to select an endpoint for another polar line. Click on the same point as in step 5. Enter an angle of Press [F9] to show the construction origin and XY axes.
The part should look like the following picture. Press [F9] again to clear the axes from the screen. Drawing the arcs Use arcs to create the curved ends and outside bend of the part. Select the center point for the first arc. Click on the line endpoint at position 1, as shown in the picture to the right. Type the radius of the arc: 16 4. Specify the approximate ending positions of the arc.
Click at position 2 then at position 3. Repeat steps 2 through 4 to create the second and third arcs. Click on points 4, 5, 6 and 7, 8, 9 to create the other arcs. If necessary, choose the Screen—Fit button again to fit the part completely in the screen.
It should look like the following picture: Rotating lines to create the arms To create the outside edges of the arms, you will rotate the center line guides you created earlier. Choose Main Menu, Xform, Rotate. Select the line at position 1. Select the endpoint at position 2. Enter the values shown on the following dialog box and choose OK. Select the line at position 3. Tip: Instead of choosing menu items with the mouse, you can type the shortcut letter. For each item on the menu, the shortcut letter is underlined.
Select the line endpoint at position 4. Whenever you do a Xform operation, Mastercam changes the colors of the original geometry and the new geometry so you can clearly see the results of the operation. Choose the Screen-Clear colors button on the toolbar to return the lines to their original color. Moving the lines to the proper position You’ve created the lines at the proper angle and orientation. Now, you need to move them to the proper position tangent to the arcs.
Select the arc at position 2. Mastercam shows you two possible lines. Click on the bottom line to keep it. To create the second line, select the line at position 3. Select the arc at position 2 again. Click on the left line to keep it. Click on lines 1 and 2 as shown in the following picture to delete them. Finally, create the other side of the arms by mirroring the lines around the construction guides. Choose Main Menu, Xform, Mirror. Select the line at position 2.
Choose Copy and OK from the Mirror dialog box. Repeat steps 11 through 14 for lines 3 and 4. Clear the screen colors. Creating the fillets Create fillets to join the lines and arcs. You will also see how Mastercam can automatically trim lines to the base of the fillets. Complete the part by deleting the remaining construction guides. Enter the fillet radius: 10 4 2 1 3 Select the line at position 1 and the arc at position 2.
The fillet should look like the following picture. Select the lines and arcs in the order shown in the following picture to create the remaining fillets. The part should look like the following picture when you are done.
Trim the last arc to the adjoining lines. Choose Main Menu, Modify, Trim, 3 entities. Select the lines at positions 1 and 2, then the arc at position 3. Delete the lines at positions 4 and 5.
Delete the point at position 6. The completed part should look like the following picture. Save the file as elbow1. Exercise 2 — Creating the contour toolpath This exercise shows you the basic steps for creating a toolpath and posting it to an NC file that can be read by your machine tool.
In this exercise, you will create a contour toolpath. In a contour toolpath, the tool follows the shape of a curve or chain of curves. You will use the part you created in Exercise 1. In this exercise, you will learn the following skills: Creating a contour toolpath Chaining geometry Choosing a tool and setting toolpath parameters Selecting a tool library Using the backplot function to preview a toolpath Posting the toolpath to an NC file A toolpath can have more than one chain. If necessary, open the file from the previous exercise, elbow1.
Choose Main Menu, Toolpaths, Contour. Select the line at position 1 to start the chain. You should see the whole part highlight. To help you select the right geometry, Mastercam highlights the line when the cursor is close to it. After selecting the line properly, you will see an arrow display as shown in the following picture.
Selecting a tool As soon as you finish selecting geometry for the toolpath, Mastercam automatically prompts you to select a tool and enter parameters. Each toolpath can use only one tool. Mastercam organizes tool definitions into libraries. You can have as many libraries as you wish. In this procedure, you will also learn how to select a different tool library. Mastercam automatically shows you the Tool parameters tab.
Right-click in the large white area and choose Get tool from library as shown in the following picture. Right-click in the tool list and choose Change library. Tip: The arrow indicates the chaining direction. This is the direction the tool will move when you create the toolpath. Select the file MetricST Select the 12 mm HSS high-speed steel flat endmill as shown in the following picture.
The tool appears in the tool display area as shown in the following picture. For this toolpath, you will use the default values for all the Tool parameters, and edit the Contour parameters. Choose the Contour parameters tab. Enter a Retract height of Enter a Feed plane of 2.
Enter a Depth of — Make sure your other parameters match the following picture. Rapid straight down to 2 mm above the stock the Feed plane. Because the feed plane is set to 2 mm above the part, the total plunge distance is 12 mm. Because the compensation is set to Left, the tool will be offset from the part geometry by its radius, 6 mm. When the tool returns to the original starting point, it will rapid to the retract height, since the Rapid retract check box is selected.
Choose OK to generate the toolpath. It should look like the following picture. Note: Remember that the online help has complete descriptions of all the fields, buttons, and options on each dialog box. Backplotting to view the toolpath Mastercam has two functions that you can use to preview toolpaths and operations and catch errors before you create the NC program: Backplot, which gives you a precise view of specific tool movements.
Verify, which gives you a better view of stock removal. This exercise will show you how to backplot your toolpath you will use the Verify function in the next chapter. Choose Operations to open the Operations Manager. Choose Backplot.
Make sure the settings on the Backplot menu match the following picture. Choose Step from the Backplot menu or press [S] repeatedly. Mastercam will step through the toolpath. You will see a confirmation message when the backplot has finished. You can also preview the tool motion in 3D. Choose the green Gview—Isometric button from the toolbar to look at the part in isometric view.
If necessary, choose the Screen—Fit button to fit the part in the screen. Tip: To change a setting from Y to N, click on the menu option or type the underlined letter. Press [S] again to backplot through the toolpath. Now you can see the plunge and retract moves clearly. Notice that the rapid moves are in yellow and the feed moves are in light blue. When the backplot is complete, choose OK. Exercise 3 — Making changes to the toolpath This exercise shows you how to make changes to your part or toolpath and automatically regenerate your operation.
In this exercise, you will make the following changes: Edit the toolpath parameters to add entry and exit moves Change the part geometry Switch to a different tool After you’ve made all the changes, you will post the toolpath to an NC file. Plunging directly into the part is not desirable because of the dwell marks left behind at the tool entry spot.
In this exercise, you add entry and exit moves to the toolpath to eliminate the dwell marks. Press [Esc] to return to the Operations Manager. Choose the Parameters icon. For this part, you want to use just arcs, so enter 0 in the Line—Length field in the Entry section to disable line moves. You will use the default arc dimensions. Choose the button to copy the Entry arc dimensions to the Exit section. Make sure your settings match the following picture.
Choose OK twice. When you return to the Operations Manager, you will see a red X as shown in the following picture. Choose the Regen Path button. Choose OK to close the Operations Manager. Choose the green Gview—Top button from the toolbar. The new toolpath should look like the following picture. You can enter the line length in either of two ways.
You can type a percentage of the tool diameter here… …or type the absolute length in here. When you type a number in one field, the other automatically updates. The Arc Radius works the same way. Choose Delete from the toolbar. Choose All, Mask. The Selection Mask dialog box lets you describe which types entities to delete. In the Entities list, choose Arcs. Choose Same as. Select any of the 10 mm fillets. When you return to the Selection Mask dialog box, you see that all of the fields are filled in with the attributes of the 10 mm fillet.
Mastercam will use this mask to select all of the fillets and delete them. Choose Yes at the confirmation prompt. Create 6 mm fillets in all of the gaps. See page 24 if you don’t remember how to create fillets. Since the fillets are now smaller and the same radius as the tool, you will switch to a smaller tool so you can get smoother tool motion around the fillets.
Choose the Tool parameters tab. Right-click in the tool display area and choose Get tool from library. Choose OK again to return to the Operations Manager.
Choose Regen Path to regenerate the toolpath with the new tool and new geometry. The act of making this file called an NC program is called post processing, or posting. When you post a file, Mastercam runs a special program called a post processor that reads your Mastercam file and creates an NC program from it.
Your original Mastercam file isn’t changed. Choose Post. The Operations Manager window should still be open. Select the Save NC file check box, and choose the Edit option. Choose the Ask option this means that it will prompt you for a file name. If the correct post processor was not used, you could crash your machine tool and cause serious injury or damage. Do NOT assume that the post processor shown in these examples is compatible with your own machine tool.
Type in a file name when prompted. If you wish, you can navigate to a different folder; the default is Mcam9MillNc. Choose Save when you are done. Tip: Check your machine tool or control documentation to see what file names are allowed. For example, you might be limited to 8 characters or less. After you save the file, it will appear in a text-editing window so you can review it or make changes, as shown in the following picture. Post processors are machine- and control-specific.
When you installed Mastercam, you selected a default post processor. The current post processor is listed here. If you need to, you can select a different one by choosing Change Post. Close the NC program window to return to Mastercam. Setting the default tool library The remaining exercises in this tutorial will use tools from the MetricST In this procedure, you will make this the default tool library, so that you do not have to keep selecting it.
Choose Main Menu, Screen, Configure. Choose the Files tab. Choose Tool library in the File usage list. TL9 appears in the File name field as shown in the following picture. If it doesn’t, choose the File button and select it.
Choose Save As to save the setting to the configuration file. Choose Save. Choose Yes when asked to overwrite the current file. You’ve now seen all the major stages of creating a part and an operation to machine it. In the next chapter, you will use the simple operation you created in this chapter as a building block for more sophisticated operations.
You will create the following new operations: Finishing and multi-pass roughing operations A chamfering operation A mirrored copy of the operation The part used in this chapter is the same one that you saved at the end of Chapter 3. If you did not complete Chapter 3, use the file new elbow- mm. Exercise 1 — Creating roughing and finishing passes The 2D contour toolpath you created in the previous chapter only has a single cutting pass.
You decide that it takes off too much stock for a single pass, so you decide to rough out the part in multiple passes with a larger tool. You will complete the part with a separate finishing operation. In this exercise, you will use the following skills: Copying operations Creating multiple passes Creating finishing operations Changing tools and feed rates Copying operations To create the separate operations for roughing and finishing with the minimum number of steps, you will copy the current 2D contour operation and then edit the parameters for each copy.
If necessary, open the part file you saved at the end of Chapter 3. If you did not complete Chapter 3, choose File, Get from the menu, and open the file new elbow-mm. Right-click on the Contour folder icon and drag it below the NCI icon. Release the mouse button and choose Copy after. A copy of the operation appears as shown in the following picture. Click on the name of the first operation until it highlights for editing, and type in a new name: Rough 6.
Repeat for the second operation and type the new name: Finish. The operations should look like the following picture. Setting the roughing parameters To make the first operation a true roughing operation, you will select a bigger tool for it and specify multiple passes. Choose the Parameters icon for the Rough operation. Since this is a roughing pass, you should leave some stock for the finish operation. Enter 1 in the XY stock to leave field.
Your contour parameters should match the following picture. Select the Multi passes check box and button. Enter 2 for the Number of Roughing passes and select Keep tool down. The rest of the values should match the following picture. Enter an Overlap of 5. This means that the entry and exit arcs will overlap by this distance. Choose the button to copy the settings to the Exit section. Your values should match the following picture.
Setting the finish parameters Since the second operation will be a finish operation, you will keep the original tool, but will use a slower feed rate. Choose the Parameters icon for the Finish operation. Enter a Feed rate of Enter an Overlap value of 5. Make sure the other values match the following picture.
Choose OK twice to return to the Operations Manager. Choose Select All. Choose Regen Path to regenerate both operations with the new parameters. The new toolpaths should look like the following picture. Make sure both operations are still selected as shown in the following picture. Set the Verify option to Y. Press [S] to step through the toolpath. Notice how the stock is removed after each pass, and how the finish tool cleans out the areas that the roughing tool cannot reach.
The following picture shows you a snapshot midway through the final finish operation. You can see the stock left by the roughing operation and how the finish operation is cutting right to the blueprint dimension.
Tip: The blue check marks indicate which operations are selected. Press OK when the backplot is finished. Choose Main Menu, File, Save and save the file in your working folder as elbow2. Exercise 2 — Creating a contour chamfer Next, you would like to add a chamfer to the contour. Mastercam has contour toolpath options that let you easily create a chamfer by specifying some simple dimensions. You will create a separate operation for the chamfer that uses a chamfer tool.
You will learn the following skills: Creating 2D chamfer operations Using the Verify feature to preview stock removal Creating the chamfer operation You will create the chamfer operation in the same way that you created the finishing operation in the previous exercise, by copying an existing operation and editing its parameters. Make a copy of the Finish operation and name the copy Chamfer. See page 45 if you don’t remember how to do this.
Choose the Parameters icon for the new Chamfer operation. Select the 10 mm HSS chamfer mill from the tool library. In the Contour type drop-down list, select 2D chamfer. Choose the Chamfer button. Enter 1 for the Width, and 2. Your selections should match the following picture. Choose OK to return to the Contour parameters dialog box. Enter 0. The actual cutting depth achieved by the chamfer mill is determined by the width and tip offset you entered in step 9.
Your contour settings should match the following picture. Choose OK to return to the Operations Manager. Choose Regen Path to create the toolpath. Using the Verify feature to preview stock removal In previous exercises, you used the Backplot function to preview toolpath motion.
In this exercise, you will use the Verify function in the Operations Manager instead. This function gives you a better picture of the 3D part. While inside the Operations Manager, choose Select All so you can verify all the operations. Choose Verify. Choose the button to set the Verify configuration. Enter 0 for the Z—Max point.
Choose the button. Choose the button on the Verify toolbar to end the Verify session and return to the Operations Manager. Exercise 3 — Mirroring the part and toolpath You are required to manufacture both left-hand and right-hand versions of the part. You can do this by mirroring the part and toolpath. This lets you maintain the original toolpath parameters and machining direction for all the operations, ensuring that the duplicated part has the identical finish and size as the original. In this exercise, you will learn the following skills: Creating mirror images of parts and toolpaths Re-ordering operations in the Operations Manager for greater machining efficiency Mirroring the part 1.
Press the [Page Down] key several times to zoom out from the part. Right-click anywhere in the graphics window and choose Dynamic Pan from the menu. Click and drag to the right until the part is at the right edge of the screen. Click again to exit dynamic panning. Press [F9] to display the coordinate axes. Choose Toolpath Group 1.