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Microsoft powerpoint 2010 e 2013 free

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[Microsoft powerpoint 2010 e 2013 free
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Microsoft powerpoint 2010 e 2013 free.Make your PowerPoint presentations accessible to people with disabilities
People who use screen readers sometimes scan a list of links. Links should convey clear and accurate information about the destination. For example, avoid using link texts such as “Click here,” “See this page,” Go here,” or “Learn more. You can also add ScreenTips that appear when your cursor hovers over text or images that include a hyperlink. For example, this hyperlink text matches the title on the destination page: Create more with Microsoft templates. For the step-by-step instructions on how to create hyperlinks and ScreenTips, go to Add a hyperlink to a slide.
An accessible font doesn’t exclude or slow down the reading speed of anyone reading a slide, including people with low vision or reading disability or people who are blind. The right font improves the legibility and readability of the text in the presentation. For the step-by-step instructions on how to change fonts in PowerPoint go to Change the fonts in a presentation or Change the default font in PowerPoint. To reduce the reading load, select familiar sans serif fonts such as Arial or Calibri.
Avoid using all capital letters and excessive italics or underlines. A person with a vision disability might miss out on the meaning conveyed by particular colors.
For headings, consider adding bold or using a larger font. The text in your presentation should be readable in a high contrast mode. For example, use bright colors or high-contrast color schemes on opposite ends of the color spectrum. White and black schemes make it easier for people who are colorblind to distinguish text and shapes.
Use the pre-designed Office Themes to make sure that your slide design is accessible. For instructions, go to Use an accessible presentation template or Use built-in slide designs for inclusive reading order, colors, and more.
Use the Accessibility Checker to analyze the presentation and find insufficient color contrast. It finds insufficient color contrast in text with or without highlights or hyperlinks in shapes, tables, or SmartArt with solid opaque colors.
It does not find insufficient color contrast in other cases such as text in a transparent text box or placeholder on top of the slide background, or color contrast issues in non-textual content.
PowerPoint supports the playback of video with multiple audio tracks. It also supports closed captions and subtitles that are embedded in video files. Currently, only PowerPoint for Windows supports insertion and playback of closed captions or subtitles that are stored in files separate from the video. For all other editions of PowerPoint such as PowerPoint for macOS or the mobile editions , closed captions or subtitles must be encoded into the video before they are inserted into PowerPoint.
Supported video formats for captions and subtitles vary depending on the operating system that you’re using. Each operating system has settings to adjust how the closed captions or subtitles are displayed. For more information, see Closed Caption file types supported by PowerPoint.
Closed captions, subtitles, and alternative audio tracks are not preserved when you use the Compress Media or Optimize Media Compatibility features.
Also, when turning your presentation into a video , closed captions, subtitles, or alternative audio tracks in the embedded videos are not included in the video that is saved.
When you use the Save Media as command on a selected video, closed captions, subtitles, and multiple audio tracks embedded in the video are preserved in the video file that is saved. Videos include an audio track with video descriptions, if needed, for users who are blind or have low vision. Videos that include dialogue also include closed captions, in-band closed captions, open captions, or subtitles in a supported format for users that are deaf or hard-of-hearing.
For more information, refer to Add closed captions or subtitles to media in PowerPoint. You can save your presentation in a format that can be easily read by a screen reader or be ported to a Braille reader. Before converting a presentation into another format, make sure you run the Accessibility Checker and fix all reported issues.
When your presentation is ready and you’ve run the Accessibility Checker to make sure it is inclusive, you can try navigating the slides using a screen reader, for example, Narrator. Narrator comes with Windows, so there’s no need to install anything. This is one additional way to spot issues in the navigation order, for example.
Press the Tab key to navigate the elements within the slide and fix the navigation order if needed. To move the focus away from the slide content, press Esc or F6. Rules for the Accessibility Checker. Everything you need to know to write effective alt text. Use the Accessibility Reminder to notify authors of accessibility issues. Make your Word documents accessible to people with disabilities. Make your Excel documents accessible to people with disabilities. Make your Outlook email accessible to people with disabilities.
Closed Caption file types supported by PowerPoint. If you must use an image with text in it, repeat that text in the presentation. In the alternative text, briefly describe the image and mention the existence of the text and its intent. Add alt text to visuals in Microsoft Add alt text to visuals in Office When someone who can see reads a slide, they usually read things, such as text or a picture, in the order the elements appear on the slide.
In contrast, a screen reader reads the elements of a slide in the order they were added to the slide, which might be very different from the order in which things appear. To make sure everyone reads the contents in the order you intend, it’s important to check the reading order.
PowerPoint contains built-in slide layouts that you can apply to any slide. When you use them with a new slide, these layouts automatically make sure that the reading order works for everyone. Use built-in slide designs for inclusive reading order. To determine whether hyperlink text makes sense as standalone information and whether it gives readers accurate information about the destination target, visually scan the slides in your presentation.
For example, instead of linking to the text Click here , include the full title of the destination page. You can even use the URL of the page if it’s short and descriptive, for example, www.
Add hyperlink text and ScreenTips. Visually scan the slides in your presentation. Use an accessible slide design. Use strong contrast between text and background, so people with low vision can see and use the content. Use dark text on a white or off-white background, or reverse it and use white text on a dark background. White and black schemes also make it easier for people who are colorblind to distinguish text and shapes.
Use unique slide titles. They often see text merge or distort. For people who have dyslexia or have low vision, reduce the reading load. For example, they might benefit from familiar sans serif fonts, such as Arial or Calibri. Include ample white space between sentences and paragraphs.
Format text for accessibility. Video description makes video more accessible to individuals who are blind or visually impaired. The following procedures describe how to add alt text to visuals in your PowerPoint presentations in Microsoft Add alt text to images.
Add alt text to shapes. Add alt text to SmartArt graphics. Add alt text to charts. Make visuals decorative. For audio and video content, in addition to alt text, include closed captioning for people who are deaf or have limited hearing. To enable right-click on your Mac, make sure that the Secondary click option is selected in System Preferences.
PowerPoint does not automatically generate alt texts for images. If you want to add an image that is an icon, screenshot, or other image that is not a photograph, you need to add the alt texts manually. Tip: To spell check and correct a word you typed, just right-click the word and select from the suggested alternatives.
Tip: You have to right-click somewhere inside the frame that surrounds the entire shape, not inside one of its parts. Tip: You have to right-click somewhere inside the frame that surrounds the entire SmartArt graphic, not inside one of its parts. Select a SmartArt graphic. Type sentences to describe the SmartArt graphic and its context to someone who cannot see it. Tip: You have to right-click somewhere inside the frame that surrounds the entire chart, not inside one of its parts.
Select Edit Alt Text The Alt Text pane opens on the right side of the slide. If your presentation has visuals that are purely decorative, you can mark them as such without needing to write any alt text. When a screen reader finds such an image, it simply announces they are decorative, so the user knows they are not missing any information.
Select a visual. Select the Mark as decorative check box. The text entry field becomes grayed out. The following procedures describe how to add alt text to visuals in your PowerPoint presentations in Office To make your presentations accessible to wider audiences, add alt texts to the images in your slides.
PowerPoint does not automatically generate alt texts. Tip: You can also select Generate a description for me to have Microsoft’s cloud-powered intelligent services create a description for you. This takes a moment, after which you see the result in the text entry field. Remember to delete any comments PowerPoint added there, for example, “Description generated with high confidence. Tip: Include the most important information in the first line, and be as concise as possible.
Use the following procedure to add alt text to shapes, including shapes within a SmartArt graphic. The following procedures describe how to make the hyperlinks, text, and tables in your PowerPoint presentations accessible.
Select Hyperlink. The text you selected displays in the Text to Display box. This is the hyperlink text. For example, this hyperlink text matches the title on the destination page: Templates and Themes for Office Online.
Use one of the included accessible templates to make sure that your slide design, colors, contrast, and fonts are accessible for all audiences. In the Search all templates text field, type accessible templates and press Return. On the Table Design tab, select the Header Row check box. See Title a slide for related information. To restore all placeholders for the selected slide, on the Home tab, select Reset. Point the mouse at the border of the Title placeholder box so that the pointer becomes a four-headed move pointer.
Use the Selection Pane to set the order in which the screen readers read the slide contents. When the screen reader reads this slide, it reads the objects in the reverse of the order they are listed in the Selection Pane. In the Selection Pane , to change the reading order, drag and drop items to the new location.
PowerPoint has built-in slide designs that contain placeholders for text, videos, pictures, and more. To make sure that your slides are accessible, the built-in layouts are designed so that the reading order is the same for people who see and people who use technology such as screen readers. In the thumbnail pane, locate the place where you want to add the new slide, and then right-click. On the Design tab, expand the themes gallery, and select the slide layout that you want.
PowerPoint automatically applies this layout to the new slide. Closed captions or subtitles must be encoded into the video before it is inserted into PowerPoint.
PowerPoint does not support closed captions or subtitles that are stored in a separate file from the video file. Videos include an audio track with video descriptions, if needed, for users that are blind or visually impaired. Videos that include dialogue also include closed captions, in-band closed captions, open captions, or subtitles in a supported format for users that are deaf or hard of hearing.
In the alt text, briefly describe the image and mention the existence of the text and its intent. Add alt text to images, tables, and shapes. The text in your presentations should be readable in High Contrast mode so that everyone, including people with visual disabilities, can see it well. News OneDrive Small business. Published August 9, News Microsoft Small business. Published June 13, News Microsoft Manufacturing. Published May 31, Published May 26, News Microsoft Enterprise.
Published May 18, Published May 2, News Windows 11 Enterprise. Published April 28, Tips and guides Microsoft Endpoint Manager Enterprise. Published April 19, Published April 5, Shaff, Reed ed. Archived from the original on January 16, Retrieved December 20, Supersite for Windows. Retrieved January 13, August 17, August 11, September 22, Retrieved January 21, November Archived from the original on December 8, Retrieved February 4, Archived from the original on January 23, Retrieved January 22, Archived from the original on August 9, Retrieved January 30, Archived PDF from the original on March 27, Retrieved February 12, Archived PDF from the original on August 24, Retrieved March 27, Archived PDF from the original on August 4, June 6, Archived from the original on February 19, Retrieved November 11, Archived from the original on December 20, March 16, Retrieved February 9, July 23, November 6, Archived from the original on February 12, Archived from the original on December 1, Archived from the original on June 19, Retrieved February 11, Retrieved January 26, May 8, Retrieved January 20, December 14, April 12, Archived from the original on December 28, Retrieved January 19, Retrieved January 23, Archived PDF from the original on August 30, Archived from the original on February 3, Retrieved February 1, Archived from the original on March 28, October Tom’s Hardware.
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