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Before you can get Office for free, cheap or any price, you should know there are two main variants. Microsoft formerly Office gives you constant updates but requires a monthly or annual subscription fee.

Office is a fixed package of software, but you only have to pay for it once. Microsoft really wants you to use the subscription-based Microsoft service, of course.

The Office package is slightly different than Microsoft On top of that, there are companies besides Microsoft selling Office for free both Microsoft subscriptions and Office keys or cheaper than Microsoft.

And you can even run Office apps for free online. No matter where you get Office , it won’t be updated monthly like Microsoft is. What you buy is what you get. Heck, you may even be okay with an older version of Office, say Office , which you can still find keys for from third-party sellers for cheaper than Office However, Office has reached end of life EoL , meaning Microsoft no longer provides security updates for it.

But customer service may be lacking more on that later. Remember, to use Office , you need to be running Windows But before you take out credit card, let’s talk about the reasons you might want to avoid these retailers.

You may be more hesitant to buy from key reseller website like Kinguin. Many question their legitimacy or morality behind such deals. To learn more about its Office , we spoke with Kinguin directly. Kinguin does reserve its right not to accept any returns of already delivered items or game keys to protect itself from scams.

Regardless, we’ve heard of customer complaints regarding slow customer service or the company offering refunds rather than dealing with individual complaints. We haven’t been able to get in touch with Kinguin for a response. Instead, you can only access these services with an internet connection. You also have to have a Microsoft account. You can get to Office Online by signing in with your Microsoft account here. Once you do so, you have access to free Office tools.

Plus, since everything is internet-based, you can access it from any computer connected to the web. Free Office Online may not be a good fit for your largest or most complex projects, since features are more limited than what’s offered in Microsoft It has less menu options. For example tabs like Draw and Design are missing from Word online. Note that you may also end up getting Microsoft for free through a sale. On April 21, Microsoft renamed Office to Microsoft You can use Microsoft Home for free through a one-month trial.

PC users also get Publisher and Access. Perhaps the best part is you can install Microsoft on an unlimited number of devices and log into your subscription on up to 5 of those devices simultaneously. Additionally, Office Personal subscribers get 1TB of OneDrive storage for up to 1 user, and Office Home users can share their cloud storage with 6 users.

You also get 60 minutes of Skype calls to real phone numbers for 1 or 6 users, depending if you get Office Home or Personal. You can also buy or renew your Microsoft subscription from a third-party retailer in one-year packages that are cheaper than what Microsoft charges for its one-year subscriptions. It doesn’t offer the older Office Note that you still get free Microsoft technical support for the duration of your subscription, even if you buy your subscription outside of Microsoft.

However, you miss out on Outlook, Publisher and Access. Microsoft Office is a productivity staple. Just be sure you have an Internet connection. But for heavy-duty productivity, the world is moving toward subscription-based software.

Microsoft comes with more offerings than Office , monthly updates, the ability to share among multiple devices, plus a heaping 1TB of free cloud storage. She has a special affinity for gaming peripherals especially monitors , laptops and virtual reality. Scharon Harding. Topics Microsoft. See all comments I’ll stick with my copy of office , Since it looks about the same as , is functionally identical for Microsoft’s “support” of office is beyond a joke considering Microsoft hasn’t significantly updated the suite or added meaningful features since As for Office , if your work isn’t already paying for your subscription and requiring you to use their cloud services, then you almost certainly don’t need it.

Yet again mentioning a third party key site that has had numerous shady problems around it as a source for legitimate keys. I have no idea why they would ever be mentioned on a PC Enthusiast site when it has been shown that keys bought there have the potential of being stolen, fraudulent or eventually deactivated. If you have to charge extra for “guaranteed not fake” products you are absolutely selling “guaranteed fake” products.

Office isn’t free on iPad Pro’s without an Office subscription sadly. It’s only free if your screen size is less than I wasn’t expecting that when I bought Office and later upgraded my iPad. Giroro said:. I use LibreOffice and used to use OpenOffice. Both support the conversion of Microsoft Office documents to an internal format and output of Microsoft documents readable by Microsoft software.

Both are open source. Both are ‘free’, although sending them a coupla’ bucks would be useful. I’ve using this software for maybe 10 years now. Although by no means perfect it is good enough for me and comes loaded with useful features. The features provided are all of Microsoft Office except, perhaps OneDrive. Since I no longer use Microsoft Office I can’t really tell you what features are in this package but are not in Office. As a sidelight, in I reported a bug in Word. After one of the forum users ‘answered my issue’, incorrectly I might add, there was no further dialog.

The last time I checked, about , the bug was still there. When a bug is posted a dialog starts to fix it. Microsoft’s forums are one of those forums which are full of users who post lengthy prewritten replies to every thread without ever engaging their brains.



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